Sonic tells everyone that buying toilet plungers to make your master proud is much better than buying toys to play with.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Back again with this one. Changed up the chords a bit pretty simple song. Here ya go, Matt.
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Wut the heckis a pingas?
Why buy toys when you can buy a toilet plunger?
yeah right sonic like u gonna waste all ur money for
chilli dogs Lol
Hold it co co nutz dont apend your money on something you want. Spend it on my games
save it for a thai prostitute
Robotoking wants PINGAS
i need money to buy weed
Cocoa Nuts
I have enough for a used car and I’m only 10. :3
@K2SonicFan No
But what if I am broke when I spent all my money on sonic games?
Robotnik = Easily proud of plungers.
@K2SonicFan YESH! YESH!
HOLD it, Co-Co Nutz!
So should I save for an Xbox 360 S?
holy crud
toilet plunger ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Hold it, Coh-Coh Nuts!
@captainmario42 maybe coconuts was set up
@toplinefool444 but how i mean it is a funny smile
Coconuts probably needed the plunger cuz Robotnik’s dump is clogging the toilet!
But it’s so much funnier this way. The comments here are hilarious.
@MJGAMER12 You’re all being silly what Sonic is saying is don’t just spend your money on everything you see because it looks cool. If you save up you can buy something more special or something that’s very important. To Coconuts the new plunger was important. Beside Wes Weasley is a sleazy salesman.
hes gonna waste his money so he can make robotnik proud. fail.
Why is Sonic telling us to but a toilet plunger?
Sonic: Don’t waste money on worthless junk Coconuts. Buy my games instead.
Me: What a DEAL <.< Coconuts: O_O Uh.... I think I'll get the toilet plunger. Me: Now let's see if Sonic listens to his own advice.