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nature, places the client at the centre of this drama, in a position of tremendous value. Just a few minutes into a typical soul retrieval consultation, the client – perhaps for the first time ever – has been listened to impartially, had their story believed and had a difficult and dangerous journey taken on their behalf by someone acting expressly in their interests. Perhaps they have also shared in the journey, an action of personal empowerment which automatically signals that they can change for the better and do have the strength and resources to do so.


Soul retrieval usually has three parts:

1. The shaman takes a journey for the client (or guides the client to take their own) to find the soul part (energy) they have given away. This is usually represented in human form as an image of the client at the time the energy was lost – so the shaman may see the adult client at the age of 6 for example in a situation of stress such as a car accident. It is not unusual for the shaman to be able to describe the child, the situation, what she is wearing, what she looks like, what is happening to her, etc, in some detail, and this is proved accurate on many occasions. The shaman will then recover this energy by holding the child to him and bringing her back to our reality. He then blows this energy into the client at the stomach and at the head. This returns the energy to the Energy Body. It sounds strange but it works, as the clients testify. This technique has been used by shamans for maybe 50,000 years.

2. The shaman guides the client to journey to find the soul parts of others that they may be holding on to. The client then asks these soul parts how they can be

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