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potentially existing at the same time. The religious scripture mentions the idea of superposition as being an intrinsic part of creation and the creator.” You have thousands of eyes, and yet you have no eyes. You have thousands of forms, and yet you do not have even one.

You have thousands of lotus feet, and yet you do not have even one foot. You have no nose, but you have thousands of noses. This play of yours entrances me.” He himself is formless, and also formed; the one lord is without attributes, and also with attributes.” “At the same time, he is both hidden and revealed. For the spiritually wise, doubt and fear are dispelled.” Another finding from the famous double slit experiment was that when scientists put cameras at each of the slits to observe the actual slit through which any given electron was passing through they discovered that the electrons behaved like particles and created only two bands on a screen instead of an interference pattern. So matter behaved differently when interacting with thoughts or the mind. The religious scripture also goes further to mention that mind or consciousness and matter are interchangeable and that the spirit of God rests within both.”

You yourself are conscious of your creation.” “Wherever i look, i see the lord pervading there, in the union of consciousness and matter.” “The distinction between mind and matter has been destroyed, and the darkness has been dispelled.”
“He himself is mind, and he himself is matter.” [removed][removed] The theory which we call Quantum Mechanics is very strange. Because when we are talking about mechanics it means that we can imagine and see this process visually. But quantum mechanics came with no visual aids, no model to picture in one’s mind. Now

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