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this theory is a purely mathematical formalism, difficult to use and impossible to visualize. It simply gives the right answers to the most complicated theoretical question. Such situation may satisfy few of physicists. But there are few physicists who don’t agree with this situation. They want to understand quantum mechanics without paradoxes. I consider that these paradoxes are connected with only one reason: “Nobody pays attention to the geometrical form of particles”. Now the physicists follow “pure” mathematics. There is difference between “pure” mathematics and the mathematics of theoretical physics.

” Pure” mathematics is infinite and the mathematics of theoretical physics is limited by natural laws. The “pure” mathematicians haveall rights to create and use abstract models. Physicists must use mathematical apparatus in connection with real objects, with real particles. Part of the quantum debate is about the standards we should use for evaluation.  In the scholarly world of theoretical mathematicians, proof is possible and is expected.  But proof is impossible in science, so scientists are more practical; instead of demanding certainty, we aim for a rationally justified confidence in a “good way to bet.”

For example, the Second law of thermodynamics is based on probabilities, not certainty.  If you place a drop of food color in a glass of water, the color will spread throughout the water. Can you be totally certain that this process will not reverse itself, with an un-spreading in which all of the color moves back into the drop?  No, this reversed process is not impossible, it’s just extremely improbable.  The statistics of large numbers is the scientific basis for the Second Law, which

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