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This is how Oblivion reacts to a character with an Acrobatics skill level of 1100. Also A Demonstration of the Tiered Spell-Casting Exploit. Check out the two other examples that I posted with similar names. I made a huge number of spells in order to take advantage of an exploit where using one spell to fortify your magika, and willpower, will let you cast another spell that will fortify those stats even more. This, in turn will let you cast another even more powerfull spell that you never would have had the mana for in the first place. If you continue to do this, you can eventually build up to spells that cost thousands of magika. The effect of this only lasts for a short time (until all your fortification spells wear off) but you can do some crazy things with it.
Read documents on UESP site. These statistics are capped at 100 so you can’t do more damage by these means. The only numbers worth increasing beyond 100 are willpower (regeneration speed), intelligence (magicka pool), athletics (run speed), acrobatics (jump height), strength (max encumbrance), and speed (run speed).