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This is how Oblivion reacts to a character with an Acrobatics skill level of 1100. Also A Demonstration of the Tiered Spell-Casting Exploit. Check out the two other examples that I posted with similar names. I made a huge number of spells in order to take advantage of an exploit where using one spell to fortify your magika, and willpower, will let you cast another spell that will fortify those stats even more. This, in turn will let you cast another even more powerfull spell that you never would have had the mana for in the first place. If you continue to do this, you can eventually build up to spells that cost thousands of magika. The effect of this only lasts for a short time (until all your fortification spells wear off) but you can do some crazy things with it.
I likes F.I.R.E
waha trapped inside the building
why didn’t you just go trew the door like the others?
fortify skill and attribute seem to not exist until your restoration is high enough i think you need it to 50 but not too sure
I made it myself. At that one place that lets you make spells. I haven’t played the game in years so I don’t remember what it’s called.
where did you get the fortify acrobatics please respond PLEASE HELP AND RESPOND!!!
lmao ur a fucking rocket xD
where do you buy weakness to magic?
i lold when i saw Heal legendary wounds
that isnt him
Keep using weakness to magic i got acroatics so high that i was stuck at the barrier in the sky for one and a half minutes lol. I did the same with my speed and i did a running jump from Imperial Prison to Bravil… then my game crashed
o nvm lmao
you mean in the last quest in the mages guild where you kill mannimarco
I got my acrobatics skill up in the millions using weakness to magicka! I actuall hit some sort of barrier in the sky!
what the FUCK! stop shaking the screen!
lol looks pretty much like hes using tcl
oh and bob, he used the mages guild spell maker and the ring glitch
wow mages have become over powered
where can i get a fortify skill spell for 360
Does this still work with the most recent patch?
And darkslayer909: to revive you either need the Staff of Worms or the resurect spell that can be found in the Shivering Isles
ive got oblivion on 360, how can i revive people?
Nice vid mate
For the people that don’t understand what is happening here it is. Oblivion keeps track of all fortifications by the name of the ability that made it. That means you can stack abilities that fortify the same stat but use different names, for example using Shield, Defend, and Guard will all add up and not overwrite each other (so you get 75% defense and not 40%). Exploit works by using the same effects using different custom spell names to stack them.