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Summons, spirits, and sparks will all be flying! As you can see, the people who are playing the game are truly “n00bs” since they have to figure out the game, but mainly it’s a lot of two handed weapons and people running around “mashing” the buttons and cluecless in melee. As for the magic (or lack of it), the spell effects aren’t looking very good. I had high hopes, and I’m still going to play it, but seeing the battles like this, I guess I wasn’t expecting “arcade” melee style button mashing, but you’ll need a system like this for the XBOX 360 and the controller. So here it is, AoC, Spell casting fighting.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Christian answers that show the differences between prayer and spell casting/magick?

50 Responses to Spell Casting Gameplay – December 14, 2007

  • L00NGB00W says:


    How touching…

  • Venefica82 says:

    occult community there are no recognized authority, you quoting book A that might say so and so have no baring on the majority of the community that do not agree with the author in question, even the most respected authors are not authorities within the occult, they are recognized for their skill and knowledge but pepole are expected to make your own way, and their own interpretations, not just follow an authority figure. There are no books that represent the whole of the occult community.

  • Venefica82 says:

    all the rest of us, whatever we understand it our not are being deluded by the Devil. However, from an occultist point of view, prayer fit right square and center into every definition of magick there is, or at least most of them.

    Now just a side note, I really like your videos, but there is one thing that annoy me. You tend to take a quote from some book or another, often out of context and then quote them as you would a Bible quote to prove your point. The problem with this is that in the…

  • Venefica82 says:

    or that religion praying, or an occultist doing a ritual. Both are contacting the Divine or the Spiritual trying through that to cause some effect. Some methods ask the Supernatural forces for their aid, some use the practitioner’s own will, but in the end both approaches is trying to cause a desired result using supernatural means, and that is the very definition of magick.

    Now I understand that for a Christian things look different, you believe you have the only truth, you pray to God and..

  • Venefica82 says:

    Actually not all magick is based on the magician’s will, many Wiccan spells for example is just as you describe prayers to be, petitions, asking the God’s favor, not forcing the matter with ones will. There are most certainly magick based on forcing ones will as well, however much religions magick, like the one practiced by Wiccans are prayers, though those prayers are often presented with a ritual.

    Now from my perspective as an occultist there is no difference between a practitioner of this…

  • wizardofbudha says:

    @Shazoolo i think that there are alot of pagans like that. Really we all want the same thing as spiritual people 🙂 Blessings

  • vexion15 says:

    lol Prayer is personal time between you and God and really all you’re doing is talking to him about different things or asking him to bless your or continue to be there for you like he promises in his word 🙂 lol but it’s not spell casting

  • ShadowHawk72936 says:

    You are not ordering them to do anything, and also as a wiccan I know for a fact that if the goddess and god doesnt want you to have whatever you are asking for then trust me you will not have it. And who are you to say that when you do as spell you are ordering them or whatever you are asking for has to come true. Remember you are a christian stay in a christians place you have no right judging something you dont know anything about.

  • ShadowHawk72936 says:

    As a former christian this is how i prayed for something i needed help with ” God give me the strength to comfront my problems. As a current wiccan this is a spell asking for luck.”Lady of luck come out of your hidden course, bless your light upon me as the light of the moon shines above and in the light of luck will be blessed when the moon is full.” There is no difference what so ever it is exactly the same you are asking for something you want and if you believe and want it it wil come true

  • stormbringer126 says:

    Christians: As a Wiccan converted from Christianity, I too can quote the Bible in a manner as to attempt to destroy others. Consider this, though: Saying that we’re all going to Hell and you’re not only paints a negatively hypocritical and judgemental light on Christians. Others have different beliefs. We don’t try to convert you; we ask you the same respect abs courtesy.

  • sketcherskt says:

    thou shall have no other gods but me meening god so if your making mans will your god then your in the wrong pal prayer is like a way of communicating with god along with the bible it self corse you probly alredy know that i would right now for all who follow this fool ask god for forgivnesses and beleave in him cus if not your all going to HELL HAVE FUN WITH THAT.

  • mizzickle1 says:

    yes we are all gods, even the Bible tells us that but if you have a god for everything then which one do you follow. In pleasing one you displease another. The depth of the human spirit is so vaste that you can not know everything about yourself. thats why when people reach in odd situations they do out of character things. Until you know the standard you are never going to know what to reach for.

  • mizzickle1 says:

    Firstly let me apologise for not responding for such a long time. I understand what you are saying but if we save we have to ssave ourselves everything becomes relative and what is salvatio in one place is damnation in another so how do we save ourselve when we are all different. If the are absolutes there must be an absolute law giver. If theres a cosmic force where did it come from. Everrything thing in creation serves a purpose so what is the purpose of man?

  • GooglyBee23 says:

    @Rainy64 If you would simply take the time to actually listen to what I have to say instead of trying to be right and actually learn something,whether you think I’m right or wrong,you’d have the facts straight about what the Pagan community believes.If you keep going ’round that street you’ll just look like an idiot when on the other hand you can actually look like you know what you’re talking about. Educate yourself on Paganism like Shazoolo has, & you’d have a more powerful argument to present

  • GooglyBee23 says:

    @Rainy64 If it is possible to have friends of different religions, then it must possible for us to “all get along” then. And as I have explained before; Pagans do not worship mundane things. Through the mundane we see the sacred. I could see the same about Jesus. Christians worship the man Jesus Christ, who is “in the flesh”. Whether he be God or not, fact is his image was created and now worshiped. There is much tribulation on what that line mean; some believe “God” is to mean you and your Self

  • GooglyBee23 says:

    @Rainy64 Religion is much like a television;you change the channel to the program that best suits you.But in any case, it’s all being watched on that one TV screen.You must find what is similar in all religions.”Acknowledge our differences; celebrate our similarities.”Most religions truly follow the same concept, simply w/ different wording. Like the Golden Rule, “don’t do unto others as you wouldn’t have them do unto you, live and let live, harm none”. It is an echo in each faith; simply listen

  • Rainy64 says:

    @GooglyBee23 ALL religions cannot be “right.” “The why can’t we all just get along?” People can get along…. but there has to be UNIVERSAL truths. the religions all say different things… they can’t possibly be all correct. Having friends of different religions is not some unbelieveable accomplishment.
    God also said no OTHER Gods before me (Other than)…he’s not thrilled with poeple worshipping creation versus the CREATOR.

  • GooglyBee23 says:

    @Rainy64 No, that is definitely NOT the fact.That is what we have come to believe because we believe that is all we are capable of doing.I can get along just fine with my both my best friends who are Christian.Christ never said “hate or annihilate thy enemy”, & neither do my Gods; he said “love thy neighbor”. Humans need to stop seeing the world in such a linear way. If you do not see all religions as being right, then you need to MAKE a way. I know I have, and for it, I’ve gained 2 best friends

  • Rainy64 says:

    @GooglyBee23 Everyone is crying out- for the “can’t we all just get along?” The fact is many religions…in order to exist- must anialate another…as Muslim to the Jews. Their Qu’an cannot be true if Jews are allowed to exist. John 3;16 is right. VEry soon… Jesus will return and sort ’em out. Many Christians believe we will be removed from this earth (raptured) BEFORE any tribulation…BUT there will come a time to pick sides.. either with Jesus/God or “other”-those are the only 2 choices.

  • GooglyBee23 says:

    @johnthreesixteen316 I honestly believe everyone worships the same Creator, simply in different ways. I believe my God is your God, except my accounts are different than yours. I do not believe in much of the Bible because it was written by humans of ancient times, and any could have meddled with its meaning, whether it be the “word of God” or not. I believe in the Great One I worship and the Gods whom She birthed because They are evident in every moment of I’m alive & every time I step outside

  • GooglyBee23 says:

    @johnthreesixteen316 And do not dispel folklore as myth & not being real accounts in history because in an ancient Pagan civilization, one which worshiped many Gods & were close to the Earth, held many records of historical happenings that are in the Bible, such as the Great Flood. Now, if their accounts of the Great Flood are true, then why not their accounts of Gods?

  • GooglyBee23 says:

    @johnthreesixteen316 Thus, it is very natural. You say ‘impossible’; I say impossible until proven possible. It was impossible to think the earth was round, until it was proven fact. It was impossible to fly, or even go to space. And that was proven possible. Nothing is impossible with Divinity. And you’re right; no other God has come down as a living, breathing human in front of thousands of us at once, other than those in folklore

  • GooglyBee23 says:

    @johnthreesixteen316 Ah, that’s the thing. I don’t believe it is “supernatural”; I believe it is “super natural”. Very very natural indeed, not overtly natural. Scientists and theologists have dubbed such phenomenon such as spirits and miracles “supernatural” because they do not understand it. Well hell, of course they don’t understand it because they don’t believe in such possibilities. At least, not most of them. Shoot, even we do not know the totality of God. But Divinity is a way of life

  • johnthreesixteen316 says:

    @GooglyBee23 Hello friend. The reason I believe Christ is God is because He came to this earth and proved His diety. No other ‘god’ has done so.

  • johnthreesixteen316 says:

    @GooglyBee23 How long would it take the Earth or this universe to cycle through an infinite amount of time before today? Forever. Which means we would never have arrived at today. We’d be stuck in some infinitely impossible past. Everything in nature which exists within time and space had to have a beginning. Everything natural must have a ‘supernatural’ source, an infinite source.

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