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Spelling Games: A Fun and Easy Way To Learn

Games are kids’ favorite pastime. We can motivate, grab their interest, and teach them almost anything while they are having fun. Take a look at free on line games for kids. There are thousands of them on the internet that showcase educational games, and play to learn strategies driven by curiosity and eagerness to master simple and then more challenging tasks.

Although these materials would really be a channel for these kids to excel in Math, Science, Spelling, etc., many parents are reluctant to encourage children to use computer games. They are afraid they will waste their time.

For example, if you wanted to teach spelling to children, would they know where to start? A google search might be a good beginning. First parents could take a look, and then show their children how to search and how to choose a safe, easy, fun game. Can you really go on line and practice math or other skills? It can be of great benefit these days because kids need to learn internet savvy.

School is tough if new words show up and you do not know their meaning or how to spell them. It’s a better idea to start young kids with practices to be saturated with words. A new word or words per day would benefit them a lot!

The strategy is to immerse them in books, games that incorporate words, and enhance their listening skills by exposing them to theatrical plays, TV/radio newscasts. Even watching SCRIPPS national spelling bee on televisions would stir their interest on spelling and vocabulary.

Although you can encourage them to read books or magazines, many of them will not like to do this. In that event, let them play games on line through the use of SMART GAMES. Many

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