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Spirit Walk Up Tarot Holy Mountain


The teachings found in the Element Cards, the minor arcana—Ace to 10 only—focus on the lessons experienced in mundane or every day life. These lessons are presented as a “spirit walk.” As the spirit walk begins, we are standing at the foot of Tarot Holy Mountain. Each face or side of the mountain is connected to an aspect of ancestral wisdom and spiritual evolution.


We begin our spirit walk by climbing Tarot Holy Mountain one step at a time, learning to explore the four elements of our lives: mind, ego, emotions, and body. In the east we enter the landscape of the mind and meet the first holy element: air, represented by the Sword of Illumination. The suit of swords represents the Mind, the attitudes we hold in life. Emphasis is placed on learning to balance this masculine energy by centering it and begin “feeling” with the mind. The ancestral wisdom of air reminds us that life experiences, whether of a supportive or problematic nature, happen in pairs; if we can experience happiness, somewhere in our lives we will experience sadness; love-hate, success-failure, birth-death, gain-loss. By understanding this basic nature of life, we learn how not to “lose” our “heads” to any given situation, but remain calm and centered.


The second face of Tarot Holy Mountain is the lesson of fire/wands. Here we enter the landscape of ego- will power. Wands represents willpower/ego or little self, placing emphasis on the masks we wear and how we use our power. This suit teaches us the ancestral wisdom to be aware of our control issues, learning how to find balance between ego and Sacred Self, warning against using excessive control, as well as warning against surrendering

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