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personal power.


On the west-face of Tarot Holy Mountain we enter the landscape of the heart, connecting with the lesson of water/cups, which represents the emotional body. This feminine element is directed toward the heart center and relationships. The ancestral wisdom taught here is to learn to “think” with the heart, to achieve emotional balance, and move into sacred relationship with self-first before others.


Lastly, the fourth side of Tarot Holy Mountain is the suit of earth, the landscape of instinct—the body, containing the coin, or “Faery gold”. The suit of pentacles embraces the lessons of the three other Elements by merging them in the ancestral wisdom of cycles. Here we learn the natural law of giving and receiving, moving into a mode of abundance, one based on nature rather than extreme materialism. Through the natural laws of this physical realm, issues surrounding prosperity and poverty consciousness are explored, and respect toward nature and our natural resources emphasized. We are reminded to get back in touch with the primal land.


To understand Tarot Holy Mountain better, let us look at it as if it were a wheel, one that is connected to the seasonal year. Using the compass or a circle divided into four parts, each part is connected to one of the cardinal directions: east-south-north-west. Each Element suit has a place on this wheel, in connection to a cardinal point of energy. In the East we have the element suit of air/swords; in the South we have fire/wands; the West is water/cups, and in the North is found earth/pentacles. Using correspondences with Tarot is very helpful because they give additional material to draw from when giving a

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