Spiritual: 2012, Future of Mankind, Mayan Calendar Dooms Day
PublishedJuly 10, 2010
www.siddhayatan.org http www.siddhalishree.com (blog) Talk about 2012, December 21 2012, End of the World, Future of Mankind, Mayan Calendar, Aztec Calendar, “Dooms Day,” Apocalypse. http Dr. Acharya Yogeesh: Many faith, religions, and calendars predict that the end of the world (dooms day, apocalypse, 2012) is coming. There is no end of the world. Earth and planets are eternal. They may get partially destroyed, but not fully destroyed. In 1988 Elizabeth Clare Prophet announced the end of the world that year, and collected thousands of peoples money in order to build a city underground. She created fear in their eyes. Using the concept of the end of the world, 2012, dooms day, is a good way to cheat people like Elizabeth Prophet. Although some claim that there are biblical, calendar, and mythological predictions, Enlightened Masters don’t predict the end of the world, 2012, because they know the truth. Yes, the world may come to an end for those who believe there is an end of the world, and take life into their own hands. If they end their life, their world is ended. These predictions of December 21 2012, 2012, the Mayan Calendar, Aztec Calendar, Apocalypse, and Dooms Day are all false and untrue. Maybe these false predictions are a way to create fear in the people’s mind. They may collect millions of dollars by creating fear about death and the world’ end. They create fear for money. These predictions are not true. They are false. No one should live in fear. Spiritual … Video Rating: 4 / 5
25 Responses to Spiritual: 2012, Future of Mankind, Mayan Calendar Dooms Day
awsome this guy made this video on my birthday in 2008, of course nothing will happen stop looking on the enternet and watching shit movies i like this guy i agree with him thumbs up 100%
The only end of the world i have ever for seen has always been the end of the world as we know it, AKA end of the way we live, end of technology and a return to basic living, but never the end of the planet just civilization as it is right now. nothing to bad, just a return to basic.
The world won’t end because it never even started time is just duality of the nature (past – future, begin – end). The Mayans, civlization that devoted their researches to the time, came to an end that time in reallity is cyclic beginningless and endless and not linear that it looks like on the first wiew. Just like earth, on the first wiew it looks flat, in truth is round
I believe what The man is trying tos ay is that regadless of the fact that 2012 is not the “end of time” people have to die. And when you die it is not over. Its more or less a process that caries you through another type or phase of life alowing you to grow beyond what you have done “here” on earth. You soul is forever, not your phycal body. He is saying get over the fact that you have to die phycaly, its a phase not to be afraid of but embrased.
don’t be fooled,.. those gifted with clairness, can see the celestial one coming,.. enoch a man who is more that thousand years old will be back here to see what had happened…..
70% of his words I agree with…but he is not qualified to tell us anything about the ‘physicality’ of 2012. We must not fear death, he says, and I agree, but his video is a spiritual aspect of 2012. (only)…
Guys look at 2008 July 15 and 22 crop circles in Avebury UK. One shows the solar system with planets fixed at 2012 23rd dec, the other shows a same-size circle but empty and with what looks like junk,refuse, all around it. It means in 2012 we will wipe the slate clean, we will consider everything we thought we knew about the universe as junk. Its a fresh start-just what we need: like becomeing question-asking children all over again. Nothing less than a full change like this is good enough.
2012 is the time of awakening…not doom.
awsome this guy made this video on my birthday in 2008, of course nothing will happen stop looking on the enternet and watching shit movies i like this guy i agree with him thumbs up 100%
@TheRulaBaby i will be there
I am fearless! I dwell in fearlessness! Yeah baby!
cant understand why someone would want to kill themselve because its the end of the world surley it is a reason to live life to the full.
fear leeds to hate, hate leeds to the dark side! (or somthing like that)
@Erniestotle you will find out your self
The only end of the world i have ever for seen has always been the end of the world as we know it, AKA end of the way we live, end of technology and a return to basic living, but never the end of the planet just civilization as it is right now. nothing to bad, just a return to basic.
@TheRulaBaby haha, great it will be the all time party!! im in.rock n roll all night until the end!
The world won’t end because it never even started
time is just duality of the nature (past – future, begin – end). The Mayans, civlization that devoted their researches to the time, came to an end that time in reallity is cyclic beginningless and endless and not linear that it looks like on the first wiew. Just like earth, on the first wiew it looks flat, in truth is round 
same =p
My Grandfathers old saying was” I will live as long as I can and when I can’t help it!”
Whats Trevor doing on youtube… OI Trev your from bolton not bangrah!
I believe what The man is trying tos ay is that regadless of the fact that 2012 is not the “end of time” people have to die. And when you die it is not over. Its more or less a process that caries you through another type or phase of life alowing you to grow beyond what you have done “here” on earth. You soul is forever, not your phycal body. He is saying get over the fact that you have to die phycaly, its a phase not to be afraid of but embrased.
he is true and m gonna have a big party .this party l b evn bigr than 31st dec
@TheRulaBaby hey l join u drink and dance!
don’t be fooled,.. those gifted with clairness, can see the celestial one coming,.. enoch a man who is more that thousand years old will be back here to see what had happened…..
He’s right about one thing, though… You’ve got to be fearless!
TheRulaBaby: I’ll be there, if I can make it. Thanks for the invitation!
70% of his words I agree with…but he is not qualified to tell us anything about the ‘physicality’ of 2012. We must not fear death, he says, and I agree, but his video is a spiritual aspect of 2012. (only)…
thank you come again.
Gandi always say ! thank you come again !
@TheRulaBaby i am doing the same. im gonna laugh at people’s face in 21st december 2012 its going to be so lol.
is he saying dieing with a worldness? because i don’t understand him
I recognize buddhism there …
Guys look at 2008 July 15 and 22 crop circles in Avebury UK. One shows the solar system with planets fixed at 2012 23rd dec, the other shows a same-size circle but empty and with what looks like junk,refuse, all around it. It means in 2012 we will wipe the slate clean, we will consider everything we thought we knew about the universe as junk. Its a fresh start-just what we need: like becomeing question-asking children all over again. Nothing less than a full change like this is good enough.
it might be the end of mankind but chuck norris will live on