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From the works of living enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from discourse titled, “You Are That”, Swamiji answers a question about how to fully cooperate with enlightened beings that come to liberate us. Swamiji tells us that there is really no ned to cooperate, in contrast if we cooperate with the mind we will create more problems. He tells us to just be. He goes on to say that we should just be open, available and in the present moment. Swamiji then goes on to answer a question about healing Swamiji goes on to describe how healing can happen by feeling connected with the Master. He says that healing happens when both sides have deep trust and faith. He tells us that roughly 33% of humanity is heart centered who can feel connected by just the form of the master; the other 33% are intellectuals for whom the connection with the master can happen after they get intellectual clicks from the Master; unfortunately, there is another 33% who require to see miracles physically, the hard nuts as the master describes them! The complete discourse may be ordered online at
Video Rating: 4 / 5

9 Responses to Spiritual Healing – Deeper Insights

  • GymFloozie says:

    I hope your burden has been eased over the last eight months. I pray for your best.

  • bellodee says:

    Swamiji thank you I needed this click .
    gratitude and love.

  • kamala1942mary says:

    i don’t know whether i ‘m a sinner or good
    the amount of troubles i’ m under going is un-imaginable.
    even though i’ m not beniefiited swamiji bless those most fortunate who stood as obstacles in my way a t least by next birth they dont cause upheavals
    i canot bear swamiji.
    i had enough
    your presence only givelittle hope and happiness
    come to seattle soonand protect this down trodden soul

  • tulip4951 says:

    Every video opens new insights and clicks happen. Thanks a lot.

  • templemu says:

    To love Spirit is the supreme healing on all levels. God is love. Thank you for your deep insights.

  • IMANI2829 says:



    SO it was and so it is, Thank you God

  • meriprem says:

    note to “BBlisss”: Videos stopping and not moving forward happen with many videos in all categories sometimes on YouTube, but I’ve found this happens only at night. I’m not sure why, possibly due to a higher volume of people using YouTube creating a “jamming” or internal work being done by YouTube.

  • bliss65 says:

    Beautiful Swamiji, Thank You 🙂

  • BBlisss says:

    Nityanandam !

    Sorry, could not watch the last few videos.
    They would not move forward, the video stops just after it stops.

    Please advice.

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