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infuriated the ghosts, as their plans to create problems for people would be foiled.

Spiritual research indicates that his personal life was steeped in internal sorrow, which the people around him may not have been aware of. In the beginning, by virtue of his supernatural power of vision, Nostradamus would receive knowledge through visions/scenes. Over time, he got carried away with his fame and the accolades of people.

This defect in his personality weakened him spiritually. Nostradamus used his wilful action (free will) to get further entrenched in his fascination for supernatural powers and his fame. As a result, he deprived himself of further spiritual practice on Earth. The effect of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.) only made matters worse. Slowly the stores of his spiritual practice from his previous lifetimes were depleted. In short, instead of using his time on Earth to do spiritual practice and attain a higher positive region, he regressed from the subtle region of Heaven to the subtle region of the Nether world after his life on Earth.

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Sean M. Clarke has been studying and practicing Spirituality with the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) over the past 9 years. An MBA graduate from Monash-Mt Eliza Business School, Australia. Sean gave up his regular career as a Strategy and Business Analyst in the technology sector to help co-ordinate dissemination of SSRF research material as a full-time volunteer. Sean can be contacted on

Copyright (c) Spiritual Science Research Foundation Inc. If you are interested in reprinting any of the content of this article elsewhere on the web, please make sure that along with the content, you provide a visible active link back to SSRF’s website or to one of its pages. http (blog) Soul is immortal and eternal. Matter is eternal. The body changes shape, as matter changes shape. Transcritpion Is it possible to live forever? Do we come back? You ask if the spirit is immortal. Yes, the soul is immortal; it lives forever. Soul (light) and matter (object) are both eternal but they change shape. A tree today may come in the form of a human body at another time. The human body is a combination of five elements. Everything else is also a combination of these elements. These elements never die. The soul also changes shape. It can come in the form of a human body or in the form of an animal body according to its karma. According to your deeds, your karma, you assume your body. The body is an instrument and the best instrument is the human body because it has a developed mind. The human mind can think, experience, and realize. All civilizations are constructs of man not lower forms of life of animals. Build your karma so you always incarnate as a human. The old form of Catholicism embraced incarnation and karma but later the church dropped these ideas. Jesus, who studied in India, was preaching incarnation but he was crucified for his ideas. Today people know about karma and accept the idea of incarnation. The soul will never die. You will come back in another form. We are just changing shape like changing from old clothes to new. We change from an old body to a new body. The challenge is to get rid of all

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