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Spiritual Terms 101–Predestination, Free Will, And Others Clarified


Misunderstandings regarding metaphysics and spirituality abound. Our empirical research since the 1980s has allowed us to realize, what we believe to be, the authentic meanings of the following spiritual terms.

Be cautious of “updated” definitions and alternative versions of these important terms, as in many cases they have been construed to fit the author’s agenda and profit goals. Redefining spiritual truths is like re-writing history–it’s misleading and disrespectful to your audience and the ancient sages and philosophers who worked tirelessly to enlighten the world.

Mystic: This word can conjure up images of crazy old men with long, white beards or worse, thanks to Hollywood.

The American Heritage dictionary defines mysticism as consciousness of transcendent reality or of God through deep meditation or contemplation. Mystic is defined as of or relating to religious mysteries or occult rites and practices; one who practices or believes in mysticism.

We add to the term mystic the following: a spiritually sensitive individual and, or one who is actively involved in personal growth and self-realization, and who searches deeply into the meaning of life. Therefore, we believe many of you reading this article are mystics.

Metaphysics: This word sounds complicated, but it’s actually quite simple. Meta means beyond, so metaphysical translates into beyond the physical. It’s the field of philosophy concerned with the study of the nature of existence, beings, space, time, and causality.

Higher-self: Your super-consciousness or sixth sense. You could also refer to it as your “God-self.” This is that mysterious side of yourself that you access under meditation and, or, for example, when

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