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life and Nature.

The pictures described illustrate that even at the end of the Illuminist era, classical alchemical and kabbalistic symbolism was in widespread use by esotericists. However, its direction was changed from classical, or laboratory alchemy, to ‘philosophic’ or ‘spiritual’ alchemy. Just as kabbalah had undergone a radical transformation at the hands of alchemists and Christian mystics, alchemy itself had also changed. While such manuscripts may be of dubious value for practical laboratory work, fortunately, they still are of value for interior spiritual initiation – an initiation that only the Secret Fire can bring.




The Middle Pillar

The Middle Pillar is a well known exercise to almost every student of magic. The details of the exercise are clearly outlined in Israel Regardie’s book of same name, and will not be gone into here. Instead, exposition of those point relevant to the Secret Fire will be outlined. These points are:

The establishment of Malkooth.

Circulation of the Light

The Fountain of Light

Malkooth as Kether

Relationship of Tiphareth to Malkooth and Kether

Secondary considerations will be paid to:

The Ritual of the Pentagram

The Ritual of the Hexagram


Establishing Malkooth

Malkooth or ‘Kingdom’ is a complex sphere in that it represents several broad concepts simultaneously. It is at once,

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