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Enlightening interview with UK spiritual and Gnostic author Timothy Freke. Timothy Freke has co-authored a number of books with Peter Gandy on Gnostic spirituality, including “The Jesus Mysteries” and their latest book “The Gospel of the Second Coming”. In addition he has penned shorter works aimed directly at personal enlightenment such as his book “Lucid Living”. This is an-in depth and fascinating discussion about Gnostic and Eastern spirituality in general, touching on all the inspiring as well as sometimes very controversial aspects of this subject matter. Required viewing for those curious about spiritual matters and the importance of it in our lives today, regardless of your own personal background or beliefs.

25 Responses to Spirituality/Gnostic author Timothy Freke in-depth interview

  • guckenberger says:

    @maksenDK to many a Gnostic Lord Jesus Christ is VERY VERY REAL even if he wasn’t a historical figure

  • vincent4500 says:

    man, you are a luciferian and you don’t even know it, i hope and pray you develop more discernment and a love of the truth….not of what suits your ego….ciao

  • joshua1813 says:

    @GodOfSpoons gnostic christian is the original christianity u ppl r just in denial its not like he denying christianity he is just saying that it has been corrupted over time and that it is full of myth and paganism. i don’t believe in the bible or any religion but i do believe in god. its hard to believe in a book that has been rewritten and changed many times

  • joshua1813 says:

    @GodOfSpoons gnostic christian is the original christianity u ppl r just in denial its not like he denying christianity he is just saying that it has been corrupted over time and that it is full of myth and paganism

  • shanna1950 says:

    @JayIvory87 – Hey, thanks for this tip! I might try it! Gotta take a deep breath to get over my aversion (GRIN!) Wishes for happiness!

  • JayIvory87 says:

    @shanna1950 read his book “how long is now” and you might change your mind about what u think about him and how you think about life. I know it changed mine.

  • Alexknobsob says:

    Who took my breath…

  • BrooklynNotQueens says:

    chabad has done a great job repackaging gnostic christianity and selling it to naive people as authentic judaism.

  • gaiusartemini says:

    @vincent4500 like I said, relax, find a girlfriend and get laid man, and stop smoking whatever you are smoking now. Let other people’s belief systems alone, the gnostics have done no harm to you. live and let live in peace and love. And if you are so obsessed by your God of evil Satan and want to comment on a REAL satanist video check this girl out ( VenusSatanas ), maybe you can even date her after you “safe” her soul?? LOL.

  • gaiusartemini says:

    @vincent4500 “.I am not an ignorant fundamentalist, I was aetheist until recently when I got pulled into your gnostic/New Age garbage…” the fact of not believing in any form of deity doesn’t make you knowledgeable about ancient religious symbols and classical mystery schools and cults. so your statement is irrelevant. And better you don’t talk about things you don’t understand, like i said you are just an ignorant fundamentalist.

  • gaiusartemini says:

    @vincent4500 oh man, you better find a real woman and get laid soon, you are loosing your mind.

  • vincent4500 says:

    @gaiusartemini wow! a gnostic with spirit familiars who follows in the vein of Aleister Crowley, who introduced acid etc to a whole generation calls me on ‘drugs’! ha ha..I am not an ignorant fundamentalist, I was aetheist until recently when I got pulled into your gnostic/New Age garbage…as I worked out our reality is much more than i thought…increasing research leaving aside ALL bias took me away from that to God…it wasnt easy, remotely…but the truth is the truth…Mr Witch!

  • gaiusartemini says:

    @vincent4500 luciferian? Man, are you on drugs?. Look, I am not going to argue with an ignorant fundamentalist who knows nothing about ancient history and religious symbols. Go ahead and believe whatever you want to believe.

  • vincent4500 says:

    @vdmerwe well said!!!! freke by name, freak by nature!!! GNosticism is same as freemasonry which both espouse Luciferianism…the idea that God (yahweh) was bad and satan/lucifer is actually ‘good’! wtf

  • vincent4500 says:

    @gaiusartemini that’s just my point…it’s actually OLD OCCULTISM, and Luciferian to the core…

  • gaiusartemini says:

    @vincent4500 turns out the “new age crap” its not actually new age at all. it has at least 2,100 years.

  • vincent4500 says:

    @micap20078 lol….that concept of ‘hell’ is an introduction by the evil satanic Roman Church….the roman church is CLEARLY SHOWN IN DANIEL 7 AS of the antichrist…many antichrists will come…but the roman church is behind the ‘beast system’ of the fallen world…

  • micap20078 says:

    @vincent4500 i meant the many parallels the bible has with greek mythology 1 example is that they have exactly the same concept of heaven &the fires of hell where sinners go 4 eterinity tartarus is even mentioned in the NT in 2peter. u shouldnt take religion so seriously if u had any knowledge of psychology u would know there is no such thing as evil u dont need to b gnostic 2 understand that u just need 2 b educated christianity islam & judaism r all 4 uneducated people. bible is corrupt 2

  • vincent4500 says:

    @vancor2000 “bewared of those who call good evil and evil good”….gnostics are actually joke…i’ve realised this from intense research….Rosicrucians are gnostic practitioners who have ‘spirit familiars’ which tell them all this garbage …blah blah…jesus isnt real, he was just a man..blah blah…bible makes clear ‘spirit familiars’ are actually demons….

  • vincent4500 says:

    @micap20078 Roman CHurch which has corrupted most churches is satanic..and pagan…but that is evident in Daniel 7…it clearly identifies roman church as core of antichrist…

  • vincent4500 says:

    @sodaslacks new age crap..Rosicrucians are satanists and they practice gnosticism

  • 0099wrestler says:

    The gospels have more Gnostic information than do so called books on Gnosticism. Use logic, you will find Jesus was not crucified, Matthew 16:20-21, he said don’t tell. Simon of Cyrene was crucified. He was made to be a look alike, that validates the Qur’an. Jesus said Matthew 24:23, he was not the coming of the son of man. I am, the reborn apostle Peter.

  • vdmerwe says:

    Never has an author’s name been so appropriate…

  • PortaCustodis says:

    Well said! I would add that people pay so much lip service to learning truth yet continue to propagate the same attitudes as other religions, particularly focusing on the irrelevant. Was Christ a historical figure? Was he literally born of a virgin? Is Christianity actually a pagan religion? None of them say, “All of these questions and their answers are ultimately irrelevant”. Saying “Jesus is a myth” is just as much a dogmatic statement as “Jesus is the Messiah” and even if either is true…?

  • SirianKings says:

    Literal gospel makes as much sense as any bad comic book out there.

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