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Interview mit Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in CNN in der Sendung Quest for Spirituality anlässlich des 25. Geburtstages der Art of Living Foundation. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar interviewed by CNN Quest for Spirituality during the 25th anniversary of the Art of Living Foundation.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

13 Responses to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on CNN ‘s Quest for Spirituality

  • lsjtifo says:

    There are different Vedic methods, and SSRS’s are among the more suitable ones dovetailed to the hectic modern lifestyles.

  • ankureshkumar says:

    u should actually know that vedanta comes from hinduism. Followers of veda were termed as hindus in 17th century by persians. u have to know before saying anything. Check the video at 6:45 to 7:10.

  • ankureshkumar says:

    it were the persians who named us hindu otherwise we r the vedic followers. spirituality comes from vedas rather than recognizing urself as hindu recognize urself as vedic follower. turn ur life towards spiritualism. so dont be confused about hinduism. its them who want to call us by this name so let them do what they want.let them recognize u with what name they want it cant kill the truth.

  • bedp1 says:

    i don’t know why people differentiate between spirituality and hinduism?lord krishna himself used to medidate.i even heard that prophet mohd.also used to meditate.

  • kvyas2 says:

    ive done some these exorcises. you really feel you’re in a certain state of nirvana.

  • kvyas2 says:

    is there much difference. also i heard he doesnt preach religion at all, only spirituality.

  • mehlasi says:

    ya, that’s what Hinduism is. Hinduism is in a way a geographical indicator (origin being…’a people living to the east of the river Indus’). The correct name of the religion that most Indians practise should actually be “Sanatana Dharma” (which, in Sanskrit, means The Eternal Law), but “Hinduism” has over the centuries come to be regarded as a synonym. Vedanta is very much a part of Hinduism.

  • raghavnandyal says:

    I like the way the interviewer summarizes it: “As human beings we are driven to explore. To explain the inexplicable. Our intelligence means that at times we are doomed to suffer inner turmoil, despair, disillusionment when answers are not forthcoming. Whatever our religious beliefs, spirituality is rooted in the ideals of human nature. Being, a better person. Breathing exercises, meditation and prayer – they all help us open our minds. Take stock of who we are and to put life into perspective.”

  • lifealive7 says:

    that’s a pretty cool interview….so simple, yet so deep…that quest guy is funny…

  • lrbrose says:

    he’s actually teaching Vedanta, not “hinduism”

  • gokartmozart says:

    Nice video. As a non-Hindu, I see the need for more religious and spiritual leaders to focus on inter-religious tolerance and peace.

  • Dewachenbo says:

    This was a wonderful peice.
    I hope CNN makes mores stories like this.

  • unnst says:

    he’s amazing. Hinduism is decked in 6000 years of wisdom. I love Hinduism

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