The wonderful Bolan song from Prophets Seers & Sages… (Not the only one, of course) String arrangement by Mick. Played on Harry’s old trusty EKO acoustic!! The words (possibly): Stacey Grove he’s a roaming prophet of mine, Hat full of wine. Stacey Grove he’s a roaming catcher of skies, straw caster of ice, n’ no lice. he’s a nice cat Ahh he’s a nice cat Dungaree dome is decked like a pagan temple to Zeus He drinks acorn juice. Roasting his feet by the furnace of peat, He roars at the boars who massively sleep at his feet. he’s a nice cat Ahh he’s a nice cat Stoo doo doo Stacey Stacey Grove Stoo doo doo Stacey Stacey Grove he’s a nice cat Ahh he’s a nice cat Antelope head his beard skylark red Is tucked ‘neath the good of his summer sun hood. And now that the gate of his evening is late He sits on a log picking ticks off the back of his dog. he’s a nice cat Ahh he’s a nice cat Stoo doo doo Stacey Stacey Grove Stoo doo doo Stacey Stacey Grove Ahh he’s a nice cat Ahh he’s a nice cat Doo doo doo Stacey Stacey Grove Stoo doo doo Stacey Stacey Grove Oh Thanks to for submitting the lyrics.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@Mandraxicon Thanx once again for nice comment
Once again, this cover is very very nice. Great voice mate.
Congrats. Great version/performance/arrangements. Very nice.
love this great cover give us the chordes please xx
Probably. I’d like to do more Tyrannosaurus numbers
can you do salamanda palaganda
Thanx. I’m smiling too – Am I from Liverpool? No.
Is it the hair?
“Calm down” as Harry Enfield would say
that was great,made me smile,are you from liverpool,just wondered
Many thanx, man!! Yes, it’s a great song. I much prefer that period to the teen frenzy stuff. Well, I think Harry’s quite attached to that old Eko guitar – the machine heads are totally fudged up, but he refuses to replace them with a Fender set I gave to him!!! It’s love, I guess
I just loved that! Really nice man.
If that one ever goes up for sale, please let me, will you? 
BTW, I used to have the same guitar, lost it along the way.
I had forgotten how good Bolan was!
Thanx! I wish I knew how I managed to do it, then I could apply that formula to my other efforts…
Excellent! love this cover wahu
Great version. love those strings!
Very nice cover!
The guy in my ‘I love to boogie’ vid is Harry – But it’s all rather confusing really because his real name is Alan!
His Youtube name is Bolanrocks. & he’s a bit more nuts on Bolan than I am
thanks for that info.
I may have gotten cofused by the name ‘Harry” and guitar in the same sentence!.. I had imagined it was Harry Felds guitar, one of the few things he managed to secure after his brothers death.
Can I understand all this to mean that this is another “Harry” you are speaking of?
Yes – I believe it does sound like he sings roaming twice – although that is not the lyric he wrote. He often sang something slightly different to the original lyrics. It just looked strange seeing written down. I bought the Marc Bolan Lyric Book in 1972 and also the T.Rex Essex Music book and both say roving on the second line and if you listen to Marsha Hunt’s version she sings roving too. Anyhow your version is fab and I love it and you do it as Marc did so thats good.
No, I checked, it is “Roaming”

Hi & thanx
I think it’s 2 tracks for vocals. Roland W-30keyboard/JV1010 stereo sound module for perc,vibes & strings (played manually). I think I recorded the guitar with 2 mics. All recorded & mixed using an old Akai 12track digital recorder.
Harry’s guitar is older. I tried to get him to do this one but he wasn’t too keen so I just borrowed his guitar coz it sounds very like Bolan’s old acoustic.
Harry wants to do Hot Rod Mama…..
vocals are bloody good!.. I had to listen several times to be 99% positive you had no Marc vocals in the backing!
How may tracks to put this sound together? what do you record them on etc?
Whats the connection with
“Harry’s Eko”? please.
I’m hoping you have done (and do) more covers of the Tyrannosaurus stuff.. going to have a good shiftie through your favs right now!
most excellant!
You could be right about the Roving. I concentrated so very much on trying to decipher one of the other lines I might have missed that one. Mind you, they have the same meaning. hahaha…

Thanx for listening
Love Stacey Grove one of my favourite Tyrannosaurus Rex songs nicely performed – isn’t the second line He’s a ROVING catcher of skies? Guitar sounds lovely
They’re there in the song. I’m lucky, I guess, I can hear what they’re doing & just pick it up & play it. If you ain’t got the song you’ll have to keep watching this, which will ensure that I get lots of views!!!! Yippee!!!
OK – It’s mainly G & Am (those shapes w/ capo on 6th fret is best) The riff for the chorus is played around the G shape also.

Play around, you’ll get it…
where did you find the chords for this?!