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Star Tattoos – 3 Star Shapes and What They Mean

It seems that everyone likes the star design. To some, it brings to mind the night sky. To others it is a religious symbol. With this article I am going to explore some of the different star tattoo design shapes and their meanings.

Let’s look at the shape of the star itself. Almost all star shapes are symmetrical. You can stretch out some of the points but in general the points of the star are all spaced equally around the center of the star. The three main star shapes that will be discussed are the 4 point, 5 point and 6 point star. All can be inked as a tattoo design.

The 4 point star is a simple design. It normally is placed with the points up, down, left and right rather than the X placement. This shape is is mostly used to denote stars in the night sky (think Christmas). It makes a beautiful tattoo design due to it’s simplicity. Many times the 4 point tattoo design is inked to create a 3 dimensional look by shading one half of each leg. This gives it depth and beauty. Also, if the lower leg of the star tattoo design is lengthened or stretched, it sometimes will denote a cross or holy symbol.

The 5 point star is probably the most common type of star shape. All five points around the star are equal distance apart from each other. When considering the 5 point star shape as a tattoo design, 2 things should come to mind. One is the way in which it is inked (with or without the intersecting lines), and the other is the orientation of the design (one leg pointing straight up or one leg pointing straight down).

When the star tattoo design is inked with the intersecting lines it is called a pentagram. When the pentagram is surrounded by a circle it is called a pentacle.

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