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Pentagrams are a symbol of faith for many Wiccans (no matter what the orientation). At one time Christians used this symbol to represent the 5 wounds of Jesus Christ. Sometimes the five points represent the five elements (Air, Fire, Earth, Water and Spirit).

A pentagram with a single leg pointing up is considered sign of good with the spirit being the top point ruling over the other 4 elements of matter. When 2 points are up it may represent evil or the dark side (the shape of the goat) with the spirit being beneath the 4 elements of matter.

When the five point star is inked without the intersecting lines it can represent stars in the sky, military power or rank, and peace. When drawn this way, orientation is not as important.

The 6 point star is most commonly known as the Star of David and is a religious symbol for the Jewish faith. It sometimes refers to the six days of creation. When inked as this symbol, the intersecting lines of the 2 triangles that make up the star are sometimes entwined. That is, each leg overlaps the next.

Other uses for the six point star design are… Police or sheriff’s badges, certain gang symbols and other faiths such as Muslim, Mormon, Zion, Christian, Rastafari and even some eastern religions.

I hope this explains some of the meanings behind stars and their shapes. Any of the above mentioned shapes would make great looking star tattoo designs. I wish you well in your search for the perfect tattoo design.

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