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the well is dry, and most women are accustomed to running on an empty tank. Take a mother in my class a few months ago, plagued by guilt at leaving her child at home while she came to class. Then her three-year old said to her, ‘Mommy, I am so happy you are in your goddess class. When you come home, you love me so much.'” It would seem that bringing women back to life breathes life into everyone.

Sister Goddess Athena, musician and spiritual teacher, married 11 years, had recently moved upstate, and decided to take Mastery because she felt isolated without support, had gained weight, was in a passionless marriage and wanted to get her juice back. Athena tells me she has already lost weight, is nicer to her kids, is enjoying life immensely, is treating herself better and is having great sex and the program’s not even half-way done.

A bit downtown from the Upper West Side offices of the School of Womanly Arts lies Sexy Spirits, a sex-positive education center specializing in the upraising of consciousness through Tantric and Taoist sexual cultivation practices. They provide theoretical as well as hands-on, experiential courses, which allow students to develop greater capacities for pleasure, health, and personal transformation. Their approach to enlightened sex is to take most of the sex out of sex and focus instead on sensual touch. This allows the distracting inner mind dialogue to ease up and allows us to experience more pleasure. As founder Anton says, “Pleasure is a wonderful path for being in enlightenment, right here and now, where you feel there is nothing greater than this moment.”

Anton sees men particularly as slaves of sex, which leads to a pervasive misunderstanding of women, and the

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