Stian, a Norse Name With Some Interesting Facts and Known Persons Connected to It
The boy’s name Stian \s-tian\ is of Old Norse origin, and its meaning is “voyager, pilgrim”. The name is popular in Scandinavia. The different-sounding Stig is from the same source.
Stian has 3 variant forms: Stig, Styg and Stygge. Stian is a male first name and a very rare surname. Stian is a short form of the Old Norse Stigandr “wanderer”, which is derived from the root stig “step, mounting upward”
There are found 87 Old Norse baby names for boys.
We know about 9 Voyager baby names for boys. Brendan and Ferdinand are popular Voyager baby names. Arvad, Beattie, Farold, Farr, Hernando, Stian and Viator are uncommon Voyager baby names.
There are 5 Pilgrim baby names found for boys. Christian, Miles and Palmer are popular Pilgrim baby names. Standish and Stian are uncommon Pilgrim baby names.
Stians name day is September 13th .
In the end of 1980’s the name was used amongst 2% of male Norwegians were called Stian, this was the peak usage of this name. At the present around 0.5% of the male Norwegian population is called Stian.
Around 15.000 norwegians are called Stian at the moment.
Stian is known as a first name in Norway since the 12th century. The name is most used in Norway with Sweden and Denmark as the runner ups using this name. Rarely, but occationally we find the name used in other countries such as in the US.
Some known people called Stian.
Stian Lindaas Kristoffersen (born December 24, 1976 in Porsgrunn, Norway) is a heavy metal drummer. His main band is the progressive metal band Pagan’s Mind, who he helped form in 2000.
Stian has also played drums for Jorn Lande, Firewind, and