Exploring StoneHenge 2010, ‘Virtually’. Stonehenge in Wiltshire, UK, which was erected in stone sometime around 2300 BC has an entranceway built so that the stones are aligned with the first rays of light from the Solstice Sunrise and is a popular gathering point for modern Druids, Pagans and others on Midsummer’s Morning. Fairies, Elves and Other spirits are also thought to be abroad on this Solstice, especially in the evening, as celebarted in Shakespeare’s play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” which presents Oberon and Titania as the fairie King & Queen. ( en.wikipedia.org ) The Celebration of Summer Solstice at Stonehenge is a particularly popular among Contemporary Pagans, Druids and others who believe the Summer Solstice carries deep mystical and religious significance as the Wedding of The Sun & The Earth, and has been a center of dramatic controversy in the recent past. Whilst celebrations were thought to be held there as long as 10000 years ago, from 1972 until 1985, the Solstice celebrations at Stonehenge had become free festivals “rife with drugs, alcohol, and celebrants climbing and defacing the stones”… Archaeologists and Conservationists who regard Stonehenge & similar sites as treasures to be protected and preserved, along with English Heritage, the Government entity responsible for the site, therefore banned all Solstice celebrations at the site in 1985 after the inflammatory confrontation between Pagan/New Age ‘celebrants’ and Police that came to be known as …
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This is about belief systems. Everyone has a belief system that affects how they act and what they do in this world. Some people call it religion, but I don’t like using that term because others use that term like a club to beet people with. When in fact, they have a belief system too. I do not claim to know all there is about all these things, but I have some notes on the subject. Christianity: God, the creator of the universe, who sent his Son to earth, Jesus, to be sacrificed for my sins, and yours, so that we can be in the presence of a righteous God who requires sacrifice/payment for sin. sole is eternal Hinduism: “Dharmic” Hinduism or “daily morality”, based on the notion of Karma, Vedic Hinduism Yogic Hinduism, ?tman – sole is eternal Brahman as a Supreme Being who possesses personality, and they worship him or her thus, as Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva, or Shakti, many gods. reincarnation based on karma Sects for people. Like New Age. All ways are ok. Muslim – Islam. – “one who submits (to God)”: Muhammad Qur’an describes many Biblical prophets and messengers as Muslim: Adam, Noah (Arabic: Nuh), Moses (Arabic: M?s?) and Jesus “There is no god except God and Muhammad is His Messenger.” sole is eternal Buddhism: Buddha – Siddhartha Gautama. born in Lumbini Nepal. tree, now known as the Bodhi tree, he vowed never to leave the position until he found Truth. At the age of 35, he attained Enlightenment. He was then known as Gautama Buddha, or simply “The Buddha”, which means …
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@msjayslover for the version shown here? Heritage Key…for the real thing, well..as it is not? completely clear, join the debate haha though consesnsus laargely agrees that the druids and ancient celtic/pagan peopleused it for various purposes, see info links below video
can anyone tell me who was responsible for stonehenge?thanks in advance:D
@CelestialElf and it’s very interesting. Love to see so much cultural reference and a virtual visit to a reallife place amazing as well.
@eddihaskell whilst that may be true eddie,
it is neverthless striking and enigmatic visually, and holds various meanings for many…check my text below video for a link to my blog about the ancient ways where it is discussed in a little more depth
The funny thing about Stonehenge is the real disappointment of the? place once you get there in real life. It is much smaller then it looks, its off a highway, feels like a rest stop, and it is far less inspiring in person. Go to the cathedral close in nearby Salisbury to see some nice architecture and have a nice spot of tea afterward
@rps1011 nono lol, its ‘Heritage Key VX’, they have their own VR which presents only World Heritage Sites such as StoneHenge and others,
less of a V.World, more of a V.Tour…
check my text below video for a link to try for yourself
The colors and clarity are fantastic! Was this filmed at InWorldz? It surely can’t be Second Life…can it?
@spyvspyaeon thankyou, i saw the link in twitter about Heritage Key and went to take a look
All belief systems are a way of life. I know that a lot of Christians don’t treat it as a way of life. But, it should be.
We all make choices in life compared to what we believe, so all religion should be a way of life.
Christianity is a way of life to me too.
correction about Islam:
Islam is not only a religion, it is also a way of life and the quran wasn’t written by the prophet mohamed peace be upon him. It was sent by God”Allah” trough his angel Gabriel”Jabril” and received by the prophet and then thought by him.
I believe that is true. They worship the earth, but i did read something about a goddis and power. But I am not an expert.
Good job.
Just fyi…not all wiccans practice witchcraft.
nice vid