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Stop Killing Your Book Dream with Poor Planning

Are you afraid your dream of writing a book will die inside you? May I be honest? It may, if you don’t plan and get it done. With the right planning and knowledge, you can easily write your important message into a book.

Read the tips below and fuel the flame of your book dream again. This time, stretch yourself; dream a bigger dream. Dream after writing your book, you receive continuing income that grows each month.

Dream you become a sought after expert in your field. You gain the added respect of your colleagues and peers because of your book. You receive increased profits leveraged from higher fees charged. Your clients gladly pay them with book author as one of your titles.

Are you ready to revive your dream yet? Here are a few mistakes to correct and make all your book dreams come true:

Mistake 1 Failure to plan at all.

You must realize your book is a product and as a product it has to be marketed. Your plan provides a map for everything you do afterwards. Your book marketing plan is what I describe as your map. It describes your book, what you will do after the book is completed and published. It also describes who you hope to sell your book to as a target audience. In short, you can say your book marketing plan is your roadmap to success and profits.

Mistake 2 Failure to plan how your book will be published.

Whether you choose self-publishing or a traditional publisher, there are pros and cons to either method of publishing your book. If you choose to pursue a traditional publisher for your book, you should know your book proposal is a sales (direct-marketing) document with a sole purpose. It’s single

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