Stop Pretending/Whining! Use Your Indefatigable Sacred Sublime Sexual Force to Get with the Program!
MODE of Cosmic Therapy: Theme of Life Disclosed Who, What, Where, How, Why, when
In the midst of your ever non-stopping planning, contriving evolving human mind’s bent of preferred desired ‘hopes and aspirations’ snared momentum, a subtle sacred sexual artistic force of underlying determined intent (directly in opposition to you) operates bafflingly nudging you into
a precarious position ‘not yet known’ to you. Why else do you think you have such unsettling energy? Though the opposition is relevant to your presupposed walk, you are not in tune with its turbulent force but are trying to pull against it.
While you are busily engaged, trying to push your way though to a certain set destination or favored outcome, this unrelenting force never wavers or falters in its ubiquitous result. Its proposed outcome is far more than you can begin to imagine or envision since your sight is limited and controlled by memory. IT will do what it wills with your life as a varnished vehicle of transformative experience with you, as either a conscious or unconscious participant; it matters little which way you ride.
However, if you for one moment doubt the magnanimous fortitude in precise execution of this undeniable silent sexual force, look around! The momentous creative impetus behind this inescapable original force [pervading in you] has provided for you and every other individual the lung capacity in which to breathe every breath for every living human you will encounter and in those you will not.
IT is undoubtedly sublimely sexual in nature. IT reigns supreme. IT does not ask nor respect your wishes or commands in any sense of the word. IT knows you are fickle, double-minded, unsure, changeable and wishy-washy