Get Adobe Flash player LIGHT WORKER STARSEED PATH Saleem Siddiqui discusses the advent of the final messenger of the Prime Creator to mankind on this Planet. All prophets are of truth bring the Light of the Lord in the Spoken word. Listen to the whole story to hear the true tale of our race and this earth. Are you looking for the fractal patter or the thread of life? Do you see the weave in the Matrix? We are all realizing that the world around us is changing, are you searching for something? Keep asking questions and answers will present themselves. SEEK and YE Shall FIND. Salam Peace. Islam = submitting to the Will of the Lord Most High, the Light. LOVE
Video Rating: 3 / 5

12 Responses to Story of Truth pt 70 India Pagan Hindu Temple Culture Majority Sitar Beatles Close Encounter

  • berkeleycornellmit says:

    ,|,,, allah

  • berkeleycornellmit says:

    mad terrorist.

  • fybercyber says:

    @ilkcans jesus or krishna or rama or buddha are not pedos but your prophet. your liar dont try to cheat us. we know what happen to 6yr old ayesha. your prophet married hs own daughter but jesus or krishan or rama or buddha didnt do that. your prohet invented his own version of god to full fill his desire. he had 16 wives but jesus or buddha or krishan had only one that too left by buddha and jesus

  • fybercyber says:

    Religion of peace has killed 290 million since its birth. 80 millin hindus killed by religion of peace islam. ha ha ha

  • ilkcans says:

    Every human being will be judged individualy by God don’t worry bout the actions of the Muslims. Islam dosnt invade nations and dosnt bring harm to anyone. Islam is the cure for our binge drinking drunkhard conartist hypocrytical nations. We have more Christian and Hindu rapist pedophile murderers thieves in our prisons than Muslims where there is a Muslim know that you are safe from evil wickedness.

  • suvirmisra says:

    It is not funny!

  • rkrc says:

    In my past experiences I have seen 3 main types of Muslims.

    Terrorists Muslims (Follow Qu’ran with thought, word and deed)

    Looney Muslims (Follow the Quran with thought word but not deed)
    “Bad” Muslims who are considered good people (Follow the Quran only in thought, not in word nor deed)

  • rkrc says:

    Hot Conflict, you are not telling us teh same thing as Krishna.

    Krishna preached peace. You have created hatred to yourself from weak Hindus by saying “And of the other Evil Jin practices going on…”

    Hindus are not Evil. A statement like that only creates hatred. I do not hate you because I actually read the Gita.

  • paparali says:

    and u went to mental hospital as well crack.

  • paparali says:

    and you laughing fucking lot terror muzie!

  • HotConflict says:

    I am telling you the same thing that Krisha has told you. If you were to listen and understand.

  • srinivasreddymrec says:

    Thanks u r not in INDIA…Encourage all the muslims to go out of india, I hope India will be back to heaven!!!

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