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Study Proves That Love Spells Work

A study was done recently at an institute in New Zealand that seems to prove beyond reasonable doubt that spells do, indeed work. The set-up of the study was clever, and the double-blind approach makes the conclusion that much harder to argue with. Here’s what the researchers did…you decide for yourself if spells actually work:

Twenty men and twenty women, all single adults of the same age, were brought to a conference hall under the guise of attending a seminar on real estate. The participants were then encouraged to mingle before the seminar started. Instructions were given to make acquiantances with all the members of the opposite sex.

Each participant was then taken aside and asked if there was someone at the party they found attractive and would like to know better. Six of the women and eight of the men answered yes.

Each of those respondents was then taken separately to meet with an actual Haitian voodoo priest, Jean Emmanuel, who cast a love spell on them. The study was repeated ten times, with different people each time, and the results are impressive: 84% of those who had the love spell cast on them ended up successfully asking out the person they were interested in.

Meanwhile, the entire study was repeated with a single difference: When the participants who had responded that, Yes, there is someone they would like to get to know better at the seminar, the voodoo priest cast only a General Wellness spell. Of those, only 17% successfully asked out the person they were interested in.

To repeat: The only difference between the two experimental groups is that in the study group, the participants received an authentic voodoo love spell. The control group, meanwhile, recieved a general wellness spell. Is it possible that the participants understood a few key words of the French Haitian creole that the voodoo priest was speaking? And thus, they perhaps subconsciously understood the message? Other researchers suspect that simply the differing tone of the priest’s voice during the two chants might have deep rooted and contrasting associative properties. There is much to be discovered, but the results are unquestionable: Love spells, or at least Voodoo love spells, really do work. To learn more about the voodoo priest, Jean Emmanuel, visit .








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