WARNING!!!!!!!!! Strong language… Yeah if you dont like vulgar language then dont watch this. Yes I know I am doing another shock video. I am going to post the video here also. Song: So hott by Kidd Rock Shockawenow’s video: www.youtube.com
Video Rating: 2 / 5
@froach2 Agreed bahahaha =D
I know I am Pagan and sex is great!
its true!
before i left christianity
i looked thru the bible
realsiing twas aload of bull!
Awesome vid!
lol fing great
your video scared me and im a pagan O.o
Your videos suck, and you make a point but in a bad way.
lmfao you made my day! I ussualy just laugh at them, some of the coments are really redicoulas *adds this to my fav*
I fear your breasts.. lol
im glad our father god is horny!i love angery sex LOL
WOW…DID YOU SAY ANGRY SEX!!!….WOW…yore a very NAUGHTY girl whom me thinks needs a firm SPANKING!!! YEEAAHHH (HAHAHA) fun video laughed my ass off (almost pissed meself!!!) have a beer or two on me girl!!!
“Hell? I’d rather go there than serve some fucking God in Heaven.” NICE!!! Hahaha!!! In John Milton’s Paradise Lost, ‘Satan’ said: “Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.” If Satan were real, we would all be great friends.
Hiliarious video!!
Blessed Be!
That was hilarious.
I’m bi, so go every sexuality. BTW, this is actually a hot video. I found myself blushing a couple of times.
i just cracked up the free will crap! If the pope cant turn everyone to a christian, any fuckign 12 years old cant do either !
well hell is pretty mixed since what like 1/2 of the world will go there 4 not bein christian lol so actually it is mostly gd ppl that would go there:)
gr8 vid )o(
Excellent video, you made some good points, plus I found it pretty funny at the same time
oh you said the beautiful word C**T, it makes me smile :p. if satan is real i would love for him to F**k me, im sure he would be really really good at it lol.
Yeah, I love all those “sins” too. Sex, I do it all the time. Gluttony, I love to pig out! Lust, I got that big time looking at you in that tiny top with a very low neckline. Wow! Oh, and pride, I can’t help feeling it whenever I walk by a mirror. Reveling, my fav pastime!
All hail the sexy lesbians! Wow, I am a bit narcissistic considering I, myself am a lesbian. Oh well^^ Lovely vid.
Im blind…..Lesbians……AHHHH
If Aphrodite did force them to lick her cunt they might be funner to be around *Snickers*
This video had me laughing my ass off!
lol they think they’re right lol thats all. as the song goes. “I would rather laugh with the sinners then cry with the saint. The sinners have much more fun. Darlin only the good die young” SEE YALL IN HELL! Live your life as you are the religions were created to give people morals. morals are good but you can have to much of a good thing so sinners unite! lol also PROCRASTINATORS UNITE!!!….. tomorrow peace out message me. oh and i don’t have a religion but hey you sound fun ok i’m now going
Lol sometimes I wonder what he does with that two pronged fork. I wonder if he uses it people he doesnt like.