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achieve success in business for example, but to fail in most important part of life, which is family. How sad must it be when a child ask:  mom, dad can you please come and see me play at my soccer game? Only for the parents to respond:  Sorry, I have to work tomorrow. They have no time for what matter most.   Missing those special moments, such as: first words, first steps, etc. are truly priceless. Having the ability to be there for our friends when they need us most is also priceless. So my advice is find a way to get out of the Rat-race  and work from home. This is 21st Century.  Spending most of your time with your boss and in traffic  surely doesn’t give you much time for your loved ones.

•  Goals:   Goals are your motivating force for turning your vision of the future into reality. Without goals, you are like the ship without the rudder and the destination you end up, probably you wouldn’t like it. So set you goals with the attitude of “burning the boats”.  Succeed or perish. Your goals should be smart.   S. M. A. R.T. Goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely 

>> Specific, stretching, significant

>> Measurable, motivational, meaningful

>> Attainable, achievable, action-oriented, acceptable

>> Realistic, results-oriented, relevant, reasonable, rewarding

>> Timely, time-based, track-able, tangible


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