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present moment.

•  Optimism:  With optimism, even from bad situation we can learn something valuable. It gives us the ability to see the good in the worst of situations.  It’s a proven fact that optimistic attitude is beneficial to both mental health and physical well-being. Optimism is another prerequisite to success.  Life is full of adversities, winners at the game of life are those optimistic people who expect to win every time.

•  Persuasion:  One characteristic you will find common in every successful person, even a child is the ability to persuade others.   For example: to be a great parent, you must have the ability to persuade.  If your kids don’t want to do what you want them to do, then it means you are a very poor salesperson.  Three critical elements must be present for effective persuasion: trust, logic, and emotion.

•  Quitters:  Everything that is worthwhile is difficult at first, before it becomes easy. The problem with most people is that they quit too soon and hence quitters can never win.  Perseverance is what separates winner from losers.

•  Risk Taker:  We most often regret more the things we haven’t tried and what could have been; than the things we have tried and not succeeded. Play-it-safers are people who live in the rut.  Life for them is very monotonous rather than an daring adventure.  Robert Frost once said: Two roads diverged in the forest;  I took the one less traveled, and it made all the difference.

•  Stop procrastinating:  Feel the fear and do it anyway.

•  Take control of your own destiny: You have the power to create your very own

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