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Question by Kor?: Suggestions for online master or Phd in Metaphysics in England?
I would appreciate it is someone can provide suggestions for an online master or Phd in Metaphysics in England, London preferably. If you have valuable suggestions for courses that are not online but you have to be there, please also do so. Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by *Invisible Pink Unicorn*
University of Metaphysical Sciences

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

2 Responses to Suggestions for online master or Phd in Metaphysics in England?

  • Little Aquatic Monkey says:

    University of Leeds is the only one I know of that does exclusive metaphysics masters (although there might be others). Philosophy covers it though.

    University of Metaphysics is a joke organisation (not that there’s anything wrong with that except $999 is a bit expensive for a worthless degree, when elsewhere you can get an equally worthless one for $10).

  • grayure says:

    Try Lampeter, but seriously, it’s not what you know it’s who you know. I’ve got Philosophy degrees coming out of my bleedin’ ears and i’m sitting here on a sofa wearing shoes which are falling to bits and a trackie top with a hole in the sleeve because i can’t afford to buy new clothes.

    You need to do it at an actual college or you won’t get the contacts. Even then, my ex-girlfriend wrote a perfectly good PhD on the influence of transport on conceptions of freedom and she couldn’t get it accepted because it wasn’t metaphysical enough. Just write a book instead, it’s a lot easier.

    Oh, try Birkbeck. Or maybe take several thousand quid out of the bank in fivers, pile it up in your hearth and set fire to it. And ignore that first link, it’s just a degree mill run by people who don’t understand what metaphysics is.

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