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Sun In Aries Square To Pluto In Capricorn: A Call For Attention For Aries

Astrologically we are having a quiet week! I hope you have been able to check out some of the articles part of the 1. International Blogathon about the T-square and relate the activities of Saturn, Uranus and Pluto to your personal horoscope. The articles will still be available on line for further use as a library.

We talked a little about the Sun moving into Aries last week on the 20th. This week there are no new ingresses of planets into a new sign or other significant events beside the slow moving long term transits. What is of most interest is the Pluto square to the Sun Sun pushing on us for transformation. So we will have time to focus and read up on the slower transits.

You Personal Involvement is Key

Of course we are always most interested and motivated to invest our time and energy when we are personally triggered and touched upon. Self growth seems to be pushed upon us most of the time, but looking backwards those hard and difficult times often turn out to be very fruitful and changing our lives for the better. We feel forced to examine our values, life style, unconscious and conditioned responses to life, our choices and goals we are striving for. Without those times of challenge we would be stagnant and not growing into a fuller potential of our being.

Wherever the early degrees of Libra, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn or late degrees of Pisces and Virgo fall in your chart and the connecting aspects to your planets you will feel yourself very personally challenged. You will feel called to grow into more clarity (Saturn) while building and re-negotiating your place in relation to others (Libra), allow rebirth (Pluto) of a new YOU with the dissolving of old

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