Question by Lost Soul: Suppose a person is granted one magic wish and the wish is that everyone becomes the opposite sex for 1 year?
What are some of the things you would hate about this?
What are some of the things you would like about it?
What changes do you think would occur in your life during this year?
What changes would occur around the world during this year?
Know It All you can’t give it back, you’re a woman for a year so make the best of it. Lol
Best answer:
Answer by confusedperson
Honestly, i dont think i could adapt to having such a weak little body.
it’d be so much harder to do most of the things i love doing.
I’d like tha i could create my own porn
Well the porn indurty would become obsolete.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
“a person is granted one magic wish and the wish is that everyone becomes the opposite sex” ?
Read – ONE person gets a wish that EVERYONE becomes the opposite sex? That’s an unfair wish. I will give the wish back to whoever gave it to me.
I m not for it.
Damn it lol ! I may probably choose to be Oprah then, and live in her mansion in Chicago.
I don’t think there is anything that I would hate about it – but I do know for one fact, I would NOT have sex with a man! The first thing I would buy would be a vibrator from the store and find out what sex is like for a woman from a woman’s vantage point of view.
Women, let me know which vibrator is best? 
What are some things I would like about it – tease the men at bars, go to the extreme and flirt with them, see how easily they get turned on while laughing/smiling inside (wearing the right makeup and revealing clothes/skirts). I know how to throw a punch and will be ready to kick the man in the balls if he tries to take advantage of me – and be able to get away from any fights because I’m a woman. I would get a kick out of it every time I go to the bar. Plus I would be able to do girl-talk with women and find out how much women love to talk about sex and all the details that come with it – and how much more they talk about sex then guys do with their buddies.
I would have to buy maxi-pads, underwear, women-sized running shoes and dress shoes, bras, dresses, skirts and a plane ticket to Los Angeles/San Diego so I can get away from my friends and family. I don’t want them to see what happened to me! I’d find out why women *b**ch* about having a period every month – how painful the cramps really are. And find out if I like chocolate even more than ever before!??
The world will still be going through a recession – potential depression – so it’d be tough to find jobs – but since I’m a web developer/designer/programmer, it shouldnt be tough at all. San Diego is a great place for programmers/developers.
I’d be using my vibrator 2-3 times a week – knowing I only have 365 days to use it. Ha ha!
At the end when it’s all over – and I’m a man again – I would have a much more developed respect for women plus understand all the thoughts, feelings and desires they go through on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. That in turn would make me a better man, husband, lover and father.
That would be a long year.
I think I would hate having a period, and would be very homesick for my penis.
I might like watching the mental exercises the world was going through.
I think my wife and I would have a very interesting sex life. Actually, that might be amusing.
I think conservatives would suddenly all become pro-choice.
The major change would be babies would be born in less than ten minutes, men wouldn’t want to hold them in for 10 hours just to get an extra bit of attention!
I would hate everything about it. I like being a woman. I don’t want to be stuck as a man for an entire year. I’d miss my makeup and girly clothes and shoes. LOL
Hm. I guess it wouldn’t be so bad to be stronger than I am now.
I don’t know what kind of changes would result. Maybe men and women would gain a new appreciation for what the other goes through in life.
I would hate everything about it. I can’t think of a single thing I would like. I have no desire to become a man whatsoever. And I don’t see why it would change anything.