rooms and underground cells of ignorance and weakness. Let divino light and air bless all. Vedanta does not make you unhappy by taking away your desires, but Vedanta makes you adjust these desires and makes them subservient to you; instead of being tyrannized by them, it wants you to become their master. Fasting should be taken as a help but should not master us. People often fast because it is forced upon them; they then become servants of this slavery of fasting. True fasting means ridding ourselves of all selfish desires, not feeding them, and purging ourselves wholly of them. Charity is to be judged not by its motive but by its results. What, if we feed thousands of poor for one day, this indiscriminate charity simply helps in breeding respectable paupers. “Sacrifice averts evil,’/ is a saying as true today as in those good old days, only it is not the sacrifice ‘ of innocent animals but the sacrifice (havan-yajna) of our party spirit,caste”feelings, jealousies, etc., at the altar of love that brings heaven to us in this world. Instead of lighting artificial fire for Havan, let the pious youth make use of the glowing glory of the morning sun or the setting orb as the Altar-fire to offer his dwarfed limited ego (Ahankara). True Yajna or sacrifice to the Devas means offering or dedicating any individual faculties and senses to the corresponding Cosmic Powers. Offering to Aditya would mean realizing the presence of God in all Eyes; honouring and respecting all Eyes. Offering to Indra would mean working for the good of all hands in the land. If you worship man, or in other words, if you look upon man not as a man but as the Divinity, if you approach every thing as God, as the Divinity, and then worship man, then you worship God.
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