should not people have any practical faith in death, although they have intellectual knowledge of it? Vedanta explains it this way: “In man there is the real Self, which is immortal, there is the real Self, which is everlasting, unchanging, the same yesterday, to-day and for ever; in man there is something which knows no death, which knows no change.” It is falsehood and atheism to say “I am a man or woman”, or to call yourself a poor crawling creature. That which cannot be perceived by the mind, the eyes and other organs of senses, but make the mind, the eyes, etc., speed to their work, is Brahman. Why fret and worry, you restless infidel? None, none but your own sweet Self (Law Divine) has an exclusive rule over the universe What are you? Infinite and Immaculate, Immortal Self of all, is your Self. Have you a doubt as to your own Divine Self? You had better a bullet in your heart than a doubt there. God is the Reality, the world or phenomenon is illusion. The body is simply the shadow and the real Self, the real Atman, is the Reality The real man, the true man, is the Divinity, God, nothing else but God. The real Atman, the true God, is beyond the reach of words and mind. Brahman cannot be the object of perception or thought. Mind and speech turn back from it in dismay There is something in you which is awake even in that deep, deep sleepcondition. That is your Real Self, that is Absolute Will, or Absolute Consciousness. People ask, are you a part of God? No, no; God cannot be divided, God cannot be rent asunder. You are no part of God; if God is Infinite, then you must be the whole God, not a part of God. Q. Do you belive in God? I know God. We believe in a thing we do not know, and which is simply forced on us. To belive in God, what does
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