having, thus, become whole of the country, feel anything, your country will feel with you; March, your country will follow. Service and love, and not mandates and compulsion, is the atmosphere for growth. The man, who is worthy of being a leader of men, will never complain of the stupidity of his helpers, of the faithlessness of his followers, of the ingratitude of mankind, nor of non-appreciation of the public. A country is strengthened not by great men with small views, but by small men with great views. Perfect democracy, equality, throwing off the load of external authority, casting aside the vain accumulative spirit, throwing over-board all prerogatives, the spurning of the airs of superiority and shaking off the embarrassment of inferiority, is Vedanta on the material plane Let every man have equal liberty to find his own level. Head as high as you please, but feet always on the common ground, never upon any body’s shoulders or neck, even though he be weak or willing. Pseudo-politicians think of bringing about national rise without striking the key-note of power i. e. the spirit of freedom and love. The rise of Europe and America is not due to Christ’s personality. The right cause is Vedanta practised unconsciously. The downfall of India is due to Vedanta being absent in practice. To be saved from foreign politics the only remedy is to live the Law of spiritual health—the Law of love for your neighbour. What rights have we, in the name of purity or impurity, to play the part of self-elected members of God’s detective police and pry into the private behaviour of a man whose public behaviour is a help to the country? All that we have to arouse among the Hindu people is a spirit of appreciation and no criticism,the sentiment
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