of fraternity, the instinct of synthesis, the co-ordination of functions and aristocracy of labour. Assert your individuality against all society and all nations and every thing. Sacrifice to Brihaspati is dedicating my intellect (thoughts) to all the intellects in the land or thinldng for the good of the land as if myself were none else than my countrymen, If you cannot more than support yourself in foreign lands, remain there. And if you are to be a workless creeping leech on the aching bosom of Mother India, jump into the Arabian Sea, and well share her Arabian hospitality rather than set foot again on India. Instead of being scared by Western Science, the Hindus today welcome her as the greatest ally to their own Brahma Vidya (Shruli). When you want to settle matters through reasoning and logic, while the glass-partition of caste-feeling does not let the hearts unite, you come in dangerous proximity. Religious sectarianism has clouded manhood in the people and eclipsed the sense of common nationality. Bhaktas of India ! You will be the darling dear of that sweet Cowherd when you see Him with divine love in the Chandala, in the thief, in the sinner, in the stranger, and in all, and not confine Him to mere stone images. Those that you miscall “fallen” have “not risen” yet. They are the freshmen of the University just as you also were at one time. Beloved orthodox people of India! Put into force the Shastras aright, the Dharma of the country demands of you to relax the stringest caste-rules and to subordinate the sharp class-distinctions to the national fellow-feeling. My beloved Hindus! By aversion to change or adaptation, laying too much emphasis on the old customs and heredity, pray, degrade not yourselves below the level of
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