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man. Longitudinally (or in time) you may belong to the hereditary line of Himalayan Sages but latitudinally (or in space) you cannot deny your relation of coexistence with the European and American matter of fact wielders of Art and Science. If you are not willing and ready to assimilate the new Light, which is also the old light of your own land, go and live in Pitri Loka with the forefathers. Why tarry here? Good-bye! Waste no time in thinking, India has been. Call up all your energy, which is infinite, and feel, feel, India shall be. As it is today the Swamis and Pandits in India are singing lullabies to prolong the lethargic sleep of their race. Independent thinking is looked upon (in India) as heresy, nay worst crime. Whatever comes from the dead language is sacred. A child turned Christian, although the very own flesh and blood to a Hindu father, becomes more a stranger than the street dog. Truth-consciousness brings strength and victory. Skin-consciousness (even if it be Brahmana-consciousness or Sannyasa-consciousness) makes a cobbler of you. A woman is given the position of an inanimate object in civilised society, whereas a man is free in his ways and a woman is kept bound hand and foot. She becomes the property of one man, then another man. It is a great blemish on the face of the civilised society that woman is made a mercantile commodity and a woman is possessed and belongs to a man in the same sense as a tree or a house or money belongs to him. Neglecting the education of women, children, and the labouring classes is like cutting down the very branches that are supporting us, nay, it is like striking death-blow at the very root of the tree of nationality. Do not say, marriage is opposed to religion, see what the real state of

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