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from a person whose character was the highest; often times people of the grandest character have failed in expounding the Truth. A man’s digestive power may be exceptionally strong and yet he may not know anything about the process of assimilation. Here is a painter. He gives you lovely, exquisite, splendid work of art and yet the painter may be the ugliest man in the world. There are people who are very ugly and yet they   promulgate beautiful truths, Socrates was such a man.    Believe not in a religion because it comes from a very famous man. Sir Isaac Newton is very famous, and yet his emissary theory of light is wrong. Accept a thing and believe in a religion on its own merit’s. Examine it yourself. Sift it. Sell not your liberty to Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed or Krishna. If three hundred and thirtythree billions of Christ appear in the world, it will do no good, unless you yourself undertake to remove the darkness within. Depend not on others. All religion is simply an attempt to unveil ourselves, to explain our Self. True Religion means faith in Good rather than faith in God. Remember, religion is a thing of the heart and virtue is a thing for the heart, so is sin. Sin and virtue have to do altogether with your position and frame of mind. Religion, as distinguished from theology, and also divested of its dogmatic excrescences, is essentially  a mysterious process by which the mind or intellect reaches back   and loses itself in the inscrutable source,   the Great Beyond. Religion (as is manifest from the derivation of the term re-back, ligare-to bind) is that which binds one back to the origin or fountain head. No sect or religion has the least right to prey upon its foolish votaries that has not come to an understanding with the

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