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one injecting pins in body.

27) got pain in stomach and feel nosia.

28) became lazy. and sleep for longer durations.

29) you forget where you put things and spend rest of day in finding. in money transction give more money.

30) starts hating your self.

different types of magic has different symptions. but the one i wirte before are also present. now this is upon the magician what sort of pain he wana to give to the vicitim. for example if magician want to make some girl disrespectful in society and wana to make his parents ashamed insociety. then he will do that kind of magic that increses her sex apeal and then starts controlling her mind with his magic. he will do such magic that makes her heart willing to do sex. he will make her body hot so that she became hot. he will doo such magic that made her stop thinking then doo this that she will be away from offering prayers and quran because offering prayers and reciting quran break magic.

this is the magic of sex this is mainly done coz of jealousy to make some one horre, in this kind of situation the girls mind stop working the only thought she had in mind is making sex  and she don’t know what is happening with her she alwaz thinks about this and atlast she did this with someone. this is the magic of sex.

many people said this quran cant break magic and they things we can only stap iron with iron hammer.(magic breaks magic ) if some ones magic is not breaking then there must be a reason behind this and that is also not compulsulory that every kind of magic can break only by reciting 4 qul. doctors don’t use same/one medicines to cure different diseses same is in this case we need to find the symptons and then find out wat kind of magis is

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