What Does Great ‘the Sun’ Tarot Card Actually Suggest?
The account of tarot cards started around the 15th century, a century after cards were introduced in Europe starting with the rising municipals in Italy. The evolution of Tarot… Continue reading
Question by 0000000: How did the Jivaro Shamans PROVE that they actually cured somone?
I know how they healed, just not sure how they proved it.. Anyone know?
Best answer:
Answer by Hell Kitty
They did not.All… Continue reading
What Does Finest ‘the Tower’ Tarot Card Actually Intimate?
The past of the Tarot is something that is obscured by time. There are some references and researchers that connect the origin of the Tarot with that of Ancient… Continue reading
Question by mike q: what’s the book with refferances to tarot cards,where the cards were actually secret religious communication?
chapters were titled 2 of cups, 4 of swords.
Best answer:
Answer by ZorbaZiv
Try the Psychic Search… Continue reading