Question by Samhain: Native American spiritualists: could you explain this and maybe give some advice please?
A friends niece recently finished her training as a medicine woman (Cherokee). For some reason (I don’t know the belief system)… Continue reading
Question by Didgeridude: Advice and recommendations on wilderness vision quests?
How do you find a guide?
Best answer:
Answer by swarr2001
My advice, take a guide. Someone who has been through this before and can keep watch while you… Continue reading
Sexual Advice For Relationships With Single Women
Male Enhancement Drink combined with Magic Penis Increase or Penis Enlargment Ocala
The best natural penis male enlargement method has come a long way from the unsafe penis pump to the… Continue reading
Question by Loona: I have such a comlicated problem I doubt anyone will understand, but I am in need of advice?
Alright. My mother is an energy healer, similar to a native american shaman, and… Continue reading