Question by Sebboh is back!: What do pagans believe? Are there any good websites and/or resources for information about paganism?
thank you
Best answer:
Answer by Just Plain Ol’ Green Kitteh
They believe in the power of… Continue reading
Question by Jeri Allyn: What would you consider the best Wiccan and/or Pagan calendar available for purchase? and why?
I am looking for a calendar that will show the moon phases, important days in pagan history,… Continue reading
Question by deirdrefaith: What types of history and/or books were burned in the ancient library of Alexandria?
I would like to know ESPECIALLY on the subjects in books regarding astrology, maybe paganism, anything mystical (tarot perhaps) that they may… Continue reading
Question by chi kung: S.O.S. ! Shaman needed immediately in NYC area. Not some “new age” fraud, or egotistical and/or greedy person.
I need to find a shaman, brujo, witch doctor, etc. urgently. I live… Continue reading