The Basics Of Wiccan Magick
Magick is the power inherent in each of us from the time of the creation of the Universe. This power is so latent that it takes courage to think about it, speak about… Continue reading
The Basics Of Wicca
First, let me give you my Basics of Wicca write-up, which is my own take on Wicca based on 13 years of practice. It will suggest a couple of truly informative books for you… Continue reading
WoW Restorarion Shaman healing guide commentary, The basics [Part 1]
Greetings. In this video-voice narated guide i shall teach you how to heal as a restoration shaman. This video covers the basic things like: *Talents: *Glyphs *What spells do restoration shamans use *When to use which spells and how… Continue reading →