www.propheticmystic.com Theories regarding the beginning of humanity. Sumerian Enki, Dogon Sirius B, Egyptian Isis/Osirus/Horus, Old Testament ‘Adam and Eve’ and other myths. But are they all just myths or something more? Yes, there are some errors in it, I didn’t… Continue reading
Tarot Cards For Beginners – Beginning Your Journey To Know Your Future
Tarot cards and the ability to divine is an amazing skill to have. Tarot cards allow us to peer into past, present and future and find… Continue reading
In a Beginning There Was Majik
Meet Taam, a young man with abilities which even he doesn”t know he posses. Sha, his sister, stumbles on powers far beyond what any of her family can imagine. The oracles knew, the trees… Continue reading
In a Beginning There Was Majik
Meet Taam, a young man with abilities which even he doesn’t know he posses. Sha, his sister, stumbles on powers far beyond what any of her family can imagine. The oracles knew, the trees… Continue reading