Question by Sage: Why isn’t ‘Easter’ called Resurrection Day?
Easter or Eastre is a Saxon Goddess of fertility. A so called pagan ritual of spring. Why is she still celebrated if this day is supposed to be the Christian… Continue reading
Question by tonie r: what countries worship shamanism religion today and what are people worship this religion called?
Best answer:
Answer by Corrosion
Up in the Kamchatka Peninsula of Russia, mainly.
I forget their name.
Add your… Continue reading
Question by Kelly A: what is the cloth called you read tarot cards on?
I’m selling an old (1986) set of tarot cards on ebay and it has a black cloth with 10 places for cards to go. What… Continue reading
Question by orangeacid: whats it called when someone goes into the wilderness alone, doesnt talk or eat for 3-4days as spiritual quest?
Might have originated from Native American cultures? It has a name, but I can’t remember… Continue reading