Church official links pedophilia scandals to homosexuality. For the first time, the Vatican website spells out procedures bishops must follow in abuse cases.
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These interviews were done a while back and I was finally able… Continue reading

Expounding on the pagan history and practices of the Roman Catholic Church, past and present day.
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Things aren’t always what they seem……Isa 42:8 I am Jehovah. That is my name; and to no one else shall I give my own glory neither my praise to GRAVEN IMAGES Cor6:16 And what agreement does Gods temple have with… Continue reading
Question by wbyrnes2008: Dose anyone out there think that the catholic church is Satans biggest acheavment?
Dec 25{pagan festival-birth of satun,Easter,fertility rites,the egg rabbits=pagan,first pope King Constantine. Forbidding to marry or eat certian foods. read 1 Timothy… Continue reading