Question by Wisethunder: Spiritually speaking, who else believes in Native American Celtic Zen Shamanism?
Best answer:
Answer by tawaen, (((beautifulmind)))
Nah, I’m just eclectic. Not long-winded.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Question by Catherine: Looking 4 some good pagan celtic folk music
What I’m looking for are good “Pagan Dance Around The Bonfire” kind of folk music. Aside from the band Faun from [I believe] Germany, Loreena McKennitt… Continue reading
Celtic Tarot
Celtic myth and legend, like the Tarot itself, come from a luminous space and provide us with a portal, connecting our everyday lives with the spiritual world. The Celtic Tarots, a synthesis of the mysteries of Celtic lore,… Continue reading
Celtic Rituals: An Authentic Guide to Ancient Celtic Spirituality
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List Price: CDN$ 17.70
Price: CDN$ 29.09