The New Demand for Call Centers
The elusive dream of a successful business depends on how well you attract the interest of potential clients. In order to attract clients, you need to capture the imagination of aspiring… Continue reading
Seven Chakras Energy Centers
The definition of the chakras means wheel, as they continually spin according to vibration frequencies unique to our very own bodies and energy centers. Basically stated, our consciousness in the form of energy moves… Continue reading
Question by Goddess Nikki: Do you think Pagans should build community centers?
I read this a long time ago, and must admit I tend to agree. I dont mis christianity, but I do miss the community. They have non… Continue reading
The Chakra Centers and the Capacity of Activating Them-part 1
In ancient times researchers of Soul Sciences very intricately discovered conscious principles of the subtle world. In this very human body (microcosm) they found the mirror-image of… Continue reading