The Antahkarana, Bridge, Tower of Babel or Babble, Chakras, Meditation, Gurdjieff, Shakespeare, Guru
The tower of Babel is the synonym in the Bible for a human being. In a “normal” human being every part works and communicates together.… Continue reading
Origin of the Chakras
The Chakras are the energy center or node in the human body, they were first discovered when practicing spiritual beliefs and practices. The word comes from the Sanskrit “cakra” meaning “wheel, circle”, and it… Continue reading
The Chakras and the Psyche
Until there is scientific evidence of the chakra energy systems, most people will have a hard time understanding how they can benefit from the chakras healing energy. There are many different theory’s of… Continue reading
How to Cleanse Your Chakras Through Meditation?
According to the ancient Vedic philosophy, the harmonious functioning of our chakras ensures our overall physical and mental well-being. Guided meditation is one of the simplest self-help techniques used for chakra-cleansing.… Continue reading